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中大版本UWF第6任校长刘志强博士的相片. Martha Saunders, talking with people on campus in Pensacola

欢迎浏览人力资源网站. Our website is designed to provide portals for site visitors based on the type of visitor: job seeker, 新员工, 员工, 或上司.


To learn more about what is happening in 人力资源 and around campus, 回顾下面的文章.


它的, in conjunction with 人力资源 and the Controller’s Office, will deploy the newest version of Banner for 人力资源 Self-Service application next month.


You will continue to log into Self-Service through MyUWF using your UWF credentials. While the upgraded version of Banner features the same or similar functionality as the previous Banner 8 version, 您将注意到自助服务横幅主页的更改. Self-Service Banner’s interface has been modernized to offer easier navigation and a more intuitive user experience. 


In addition to Banner’s improved interface for easier navigation, Self-Service Banner 9 offers users new features to allow for quicker access to information and streamlined processes.

  • 手机的功能: Complete a range of tasks from your tablet or mobile device with Self-Service Banner’s new mobile functionality.
  • 增强的浏览器支持: Access Self-Service Banner from your preferred browser.  
  • 新员工仪表板: Quickly view your personal, employment and job-related information.
    • 员工现在将进入时间和/或离开 我的活动 在他们的员工仪表板上. Detailed instructions on how to enter time and/or leave will be available to the campus in the near future.

的 upgrade to 员工 Self-Service Banner 9 aligns with UWF’s commitment to increasing efficiency and delivering an enhanced experience for students, 教职员工. Should you experience any issues or require assistance during the transition, please contact 妮可Zamary at 850.474.2608, 雪莉,Jernigan at 850.474.2884, or 克里斯汀·迪拉德 at 850.474.2508.

You are invited to review the materials provided below which outline the characteristics of a deferred pay plan for Nine Month Faculty member’s salary being paid over 12 months. 的se materials include a review of the advantages and disadvantages of this plan option and its effects on insurance, 福利及退休, 以及参与计划的可能替代方案.

的 enrollment dates for this program will be March 1, 2024 to June 28, 2024. Those who are enrolled and wish to discontinue must complete the Termination form between March 1, 2024年至6月30日, 2024. Enrollment and Termination forms must be sent to 人力资源 Bldg. 东20号,2024年6月28日下班前收到.

  1. 演示文稿
  2. 完成 注册表单 还给东20号楼的人力资源部.  
  3. 形式 Request Termination of the Nine Month Faculty pay over 12 months Plan Option
  4. 常见问题‌ 

如果您有任何问题,请联系 杰米斯普拉格 at 850.474.2156 or jsprague@seodesignshop.com or 克里斯蒂辣椒 at 850.474.3169 or kpeppers@seodesignshop.com.

工作场所灵活性计划手册 is a guideline for both the supervisor and the 员工 interested in flex scheduling or remote work.  Both of these programs are intended to create flexible conditions that will enhance the capability of both the 员工 and the University to meet/exceed the stated goals and objectives more effectively.
  • 弹性工作制申请表
  • 远程工作申请表格




的 九州体育博彩bet9 (UWF), is committed to safeguarding the privacy of personal data. UWF is subject to the European Union General Data Protection Act (GDPR) if data is provided from a location in the European Union. For more information on whether the GDPR applies to your personal data, please visit EUGDPR网站. For detailed information and to learn more, please visit the UWF 一般资料保障规例网页 或者是 UWF EU GDPR隐私声明. For information as to how this pertains to 人力资源, please visit the UWF人力资源GDPR隐私声明.

合并年度保障 & 消防安全报告

九州体育博彩bet9 is committed to assisting all members of the UWF community in providing f或者是ir own safety and security. 的 2022 - 2023 合并年度保障 and 消防安全报告 在九州体育博彩bet9有吗 警务处网站.

的 website and booklet contain information regarding campus security and personal safety including topics such as: crime prevention, 消防安全, 大学警察执法机关, 犯罪报告政策, disciplinary procedures and other matters of importance related to security and safety on campus. 的y also contain information about crime statistics f或者是 three previous calendar years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus; in certain off-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by the 九州体育博彩bet9; and on public property within, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.

If you would like to receive a hard copy of the 2022–2023 合并年度保障 and 消防安全报告 which contains this information, visit the UWF Police Department at Building 94 or request a copy be mailed to you by calling 850.474.2022. This information is required by law and is provided by the 九州体育博彩bet9 Police Department.